About TRIP

The Science Alliance of Tennessee, a coalition of 6 museums across Tennessee, received a $1 million grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for the Tennessee Rural Impact Project (TRIP). The funding from this grant has allowed the six museums to leverage our expertise, assets, and knowledge together so that we could research and better understand the needs of kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade students in rural communities.

This new understanding and the relationships that we have been able to establish with schools in rural communities has equipped us to be able to pilot several learning initiatives specific to the needs of rural students. Our museums have partnered with nine rural elementary schools to provide programming such as immersive lessons, field trips, and family nights. It is our hope that students develop a life-long love for learning, teachers feel more equipped and confident in their ability to provide STEM learning opportunities to their students, and communities feel empowered to support schools with their unique resources.


To foster children’s curiosity, wonder, and problem-solving skills using STEM curricula and community connections that set students on a positive trajectory of learning where they live and play.


TRIP will result in the creation of an education arm of the Science Alliance of Tennessee that has the potential to impact rural communities and schools across the state.

TRIP will result in the creation of an education arm of the Science Alliance of Tennessee that has the potential to impact rural communities and schools across the state.


• Develop relationships leading to co-creation across rural counties,

• Enhance STEM learning for children grades K-2, teachers and families,

• Identify and develop innovative deliverables that connect home, school, and community partners,

• Leverage the expertise and resources of the 6 Alliance museums that support STEM learning,

• Develop each museum's capacity to support rural communities in Tennessee.


• Established partnerships with 11 schools in Tennessee including Grundy, McNairy, Morgan, Hardeman, and Hancock Counties.

• Conducted asset mapping activities & teacher/administrator sessions as well as Professional Development Sessions for ~ 60 teachers and administrators.

• Developed and are piloting six innovative educator resources that emerged from collaborative discussions.

• Provided programming for ~1,000 rural K-2 students.

• Sponsoring an in-person conference for rural partners to be hosted in Murfreesboro, TN for 60 rural teachers, administrators, and community partners from districts in East, Middle, and West TN.


The following schools are currently part of TRIP and eligible to utilize our resources:

  • North Elementary (Grundy County)

  • Tracy City Elementary (Grundy County)

  • Petros Joyner Elementary (Morgan County)

  • Wartburg Central Elementary (Morgan County)

  • Grand Junction Elementary (Hardeman County)

  • Whiteville Elementary (Hardeman County)

  • Bethel Springs Elementary (McNairy County)

  • Ramer Elementary (McNairy County)

  • Hancock County Elementary (Hancock County)